Thursday, April 08, 2010

The iPad is slick. (Updated)

The pad has a minor ergomonics issue: it's very slick, so it's difficult to hold securely with one hand while you're reading in bed, say. You need to apply a lot of force with your fingers, which is obviously tiring in the long run, and doesn't even help that much.

There should have been some ribs or a grip. Preferably on all four sides, on the back. But maybe it was hard to produce, or maybe it would infract too much on Apple's holy super-minimalism. No sirree, that wouldn't do at all, would look good in the slick TV ads.

So we have to turn to vigilantism. Its an object of use, after all. So I double-taped some gaffa tape to the back in the place where I hold most often. I weakened the glue a little (with paper) on the top layer so my fingers wouldn't actually stick to the thing, but merely not slide. Result: "magic", to use a work never used before about this device, I'm sure. Much better. You can see on the mirror photo that I can hold it with just a very minimal grip on the front with my thumb.

I'm sure a snug, light-weight case of thin leather would be better, so I hope one comes along. (I'm not sure Apple's is perfect in this respect, but I'll surely get it because it can act as a stand too.)
Update: In fact, thinking about it, a very snug glove of thin, soft leather would be just the thing. With small holes for the controls and ports. and a removable cover for the screen. I want that. Maybe I'll find a place who can make it.

(That article is here.) (Saving you some googling, after the thought of Ms. Connelly's bosoms has driven your curiousity to unbearable levels.)

TCGirl said:
Look NO FURTHER than HERE, Eo!!! Check out the [silicone protective case] MSUITPAD; PERFECT!! You've got the protection AND the grip combined in this BEAUTIFUL case! Leather would only get messed up, if you happen to get it wet would also get slippery, with wear! With this cover, you could take it off and wash it, every now and again.


dave_at_efi said...

In the US vernacular, vigilantism is the taking of the law into the hands of citizens, with almost invariably a fatal outcome.

What you did is called Systems Engineering, which is the science of finding the best solution to a problem. A big part of the science is defining the problem.

"How can I hold the iPad securely vertical with only one hand?" is a good problem definition here.

Here are some quick alternate ideas: tape on a strip of 880-grit sandpaper; notch some parallel grooves in the back with a Dremel tool (may lower resale value); nip off the tips of a glove; redesign your belly button piercing to allow connection of a removable diagonal iPad support arm. Lots of solutions. Yours is an excellent one.

And by the way, was a letdown, coming from DOMAI-meister, containing only a passing reference to the similarity of the eye-glommingness characteristic of the iPad and Jennifer's frontal features. But I did learn that Andy Inhatko loves the iPad.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

If it left you unsatisfied, go here.
(Additional curiosa: some oddball porn pictures apparently being promoted with the words "Jennifer Connelly’s Breasts". What I always said: it's a weird world.

TC [Girl] said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Well, you should have told us before!

The four experts I just saw yesterday in a webcast didn't know about this.

Anonymous said...

I highly recommend the Zagg or Clear Sheild invisible shield protection. Not only does it save you from scratches but it gives better traction for holding and typing.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

I've already ordered a Zagg shield, but I didn't know about the traction thing.