I believe any person is a lot more than just one defined human role.
Prompted by the first part of
this wonderful essay, I thought again about what I am.
Am I a photographer? Yes and no.
Am I an artist? Yes and no.
Am I a writer? Yes and no.
Am I an entrepreneur? Yes and no.

I am all of the above, and if you put them all together, they still make only a very tiny tile in the mosaic that... at least I
wish to be.
Some of my most important work is pure research into the human condition and into aesthetics, and into communication, and spiritual spheres. But there is no money in that, and the audience is tiny beyond belief, so not many people ever hear of it.
Last but not least, what I am is just a weak hint of what I might be, and
I believe this to be true of anybody, and indeed of the human race.