Here are a couple of tiles that I made back in the nineties for my web site. I like to use them sometimes for background pattern on my desktop when I want something subtle, but a little more interesting than a plain color.
Please use them only on your own computer, not on a web site.

They are both made from photos I took, the lower one is from leaves from a house birch I had back then, I think.
... Nope, now I remember, it's from this photo.

It was my own photo, and the same type of plant, but not my own, it belonged to the lovely model, Marlene.
... I just discovered something disturbing: for the first time ever, I have lost file
formats to time: I can no longer open my old PhotoCD files! At least not in decent size, in Graphic Converter they will open in "base", which is only 768x512 pixels. Probably PhotoCD is long gone, but I honestly did not expect to lose the files this soon. (If you feel like experimenting, here's a