LumLan reviews an interesting compact camera, the Canon S90.
"The just released Canon S90 ... is currently the world's smallest and lightest shirt-pocket-sized (SPS) camera that shoots raw*. It has an almost 4X zoom (28–105mm equivalent) and has a remarkable f/2 as its widest aperture at the wide end of its range."
* Update:
Bruce said:
Re: "The just released Canon S90 ... is currently the world's smallest and lightest shirt-pocket-sized (SPS) camera that shoots raw."
Simply not true. Panasonic FX-150 is smaller, shoots RAW. Several days ago I wrote a note to Luminous Landscape pointing out their error. I included a link to the side by side comparison at dpreview in my note to LL. No question that FX-150 is smaller. And it does have RAW.
Re: "The just released Canon S90 ... is currently the world's smallest and lightest shirt-pocket-sized (SPS) camera that shoots raw."
Simply not true. Panasonic FX-150 is smaller, shoots RAW. Several days ago I wrote a note to Luminous Landscape pointing out their error. I included a link to the side by side comparison at dpreview in my note to LL. No question that FX-150 is smaller. And it does have RAW.