Photo courtesy of my cousin Annette. Hi Annette.

Notes on life, art, photography and technology, by a Danish dropout bohemian.
The video seems to be down. No surprise- it's technically not supposed to be free. ;)
Though I do wonder why they'd care as I'm assuming it's the original version. It's not like they're making profit off of that anymore and I would think spreading the word is the important thing. Ah well...
People who've seen it (or haven't but are still interested) might like to know that some of the people in the film have been on Larry King Live and will be again on the 16th. The first part was aired earlier this month and is supposed to be repeated on the 11th. The second part is set to air on the 16th.
If you'd like to watch the new version of the film legitimately, it can be found at:
It's five dollars to view it online through the site. Not as good a deal as google video, but at least it's in higher quality. Er, assuming you've got the connection for it.
I would agree with Eolake on his criticisms, but it's still a well done film that does an excellent job of introducing people to the potentials of thought.