"Honey, lately your low self-esteem is just good common sense."
"So tell me again why I can't call him again?"
"Besides his cell phone being turned off?"
"Forty messages start to look needy."
That's from the movie Spanglish, which to my delight is rather more than Just Another Silly Sandler comedy. It's delightful, actually. Sandler is subtle as the cook. Tea Leoni is great as the poster girl for High Strung Wife in SUV. And the kids are awesome. I keep telling you, it is indicative of rising human awareness how child and teen actors keep reaching new levels of power.

BTW, this pisses me off about the film industry (and MirrorMask is not even a Hollywood picture): when the lead is a child or teen actor, he/she does not get first billing as she would if she was an adult! For shame!
where can i purchase a copy of mirrormask? it sounds very intriging. also, Adam Sandler was just an ordinal comic in my book until I viewed CLICK. Wow, that movie brought me to tears........
the guy is a genius. hats off to him.........and hand me another kleenex i watched the ending of CLICK again. Bravo!
I believe MirrorMask is sold anywhere you get quality DVDs, as they say. Like Amazon for example.
Nothing wrong.
I write when I can think of something to say.
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