(This picture, unlike most of mine, needed some editing, there were a couple of cars outside which sort of ruined it.)
It is strange, it looks at the moment as if I take the best pictures with my pocket digicam, not my big expensive top range digital Single-Lens-Reflex. (Man, I could have saved money if I'd known that! :)
I suspect it is because composing on the small LCD screen, I can't see the details at all, so I am just seeing the composition. Looking in the clear, big viewfinder of the SLR, I see all the details, and I get lost in them. Also the picture takes up most of my field of vision, so I can't easily get an overview of the composition as a whole.
I find a similar thing when I am judging a picture in Photoshop. I find it easier to judge the overall impact of it when it is rather small on the screen, rather then when it takes up the whole of my wonderful Apple 30 inch screen.