The Delia Smith Cookery Course. Recommended.
Delia is the David Pogue of cookbook authors. She has sound viewpoints, is very easy to read, warm, and sometimes funny. And above all: She explains the basics! This is so important and so rare. It is obviously important to fools like me, whose mother never taught him and whose school course on it was rudimentary at best. But it is also important to more advanced pupils, simply because nobody knows all the basics, and one is often surprised. As in "so that's why we do it that way". Knowing basics is so important for skill and for enjoyment of anything.
How basic does it start? Rock bottom. This book taught me the best way to boil an egg, and how to make porridge. And now it's teaching me the basics of grains/cereals and bread making. This is because reader DreamingWolf nudged me into finally getting a bread maker, which I'm eager to start using.
But it's also a big book, and I've no doubt that it's the rare cook who can't learn anything from it.
By the way, I knew that rye bread ("black" bread) was unusual in the UK (and it seems in the US), but I had no idea how much. It turns out that buying rye flour is virtually impossible here. Geez.
TTL salivates:
I don't know. I prefer Nigella Lawson. More shapely body, more luscious lips, and overall sultrier presence.
I don't cook, though. So I can not comment on that.

Heck, she could cook for me any day.
... Funny thing, she is so f***ing attractive that I find myself going in reverse gear, "she just has to be a bitch or something". Or thinking that parading her looks that way to sell her books is just commercial and fake. "English muffin" indeed! But is that a reasonable reaction?
Update: I just realized she'd be on Utoob. Sample:
Notice how she draws attention to her breasts by taking off her pullover. :-)
She hardly needed bother.
Fun comments on the Utoob page:
I just watched a show of hers on tv and she said "I love the way it bulges out.." (talking about pudding in a wine glass)
"I love a large portion" (while cooking steak on the bbq)
"It's a really juicy pair" (Can't remember what she was talking about because I may have been staring at her "juicy pair" :P
i feel sorry for the women who come to Nigella videos looking for actual cooking advice, then end up reading all our pervy comments.
That said, i'd love to [explicit sexual comment]
I'm reminded of a woman I once saw manning a booth at an exhibition. Nice looking, and she had a huge bosom barely held back by a tiny top. It was just impossible not to stare at it!
She gave me a friendly hello, and I gave one back, and for a split second my eyes slipped down. There was no doubt whatsoever that she had seen it, and I just couldn't talk to her.
Not that I had any reason for being ashamed, but I'm a shy person, so I couldn't.