Culture is surely a manifold thing, lo the Crazy Korean Girls video.
What's interesting is that it isn't clear whether these girls have great comedic talent, or it is unintentional.
I like one of the viwer reviews in Engrish:
Sakaii wrote: Ours you they are a show whenever I enter in the Youtube I visit voceis. You have that to mainly make shows for the countries in Japan, Brazil and United States. Well for where stroll says of you two. I am its fan? e clearly has that to make more video Good bye
Yep, that's definitery fine Engrish, mister!
The Korean can be very creative, as the Pucca series illustrates. And it IS about a crazy Korean girl too! (^_^)
I found their home page, but I can't find any Pucca flash cartoons, can you point to some?
I've seen it once on satellite TV, that's all. But it's excellent.
And no words, so no dubbing needed! :-)
I don't know whether there ARE flash cartoons. Maybe you shoud look out for the DVDs?
The wikipedia page says there is. "Pucca / Pucca Funny Love [Hangul:뿌까] is an online Macromedia Flash/computer-generated imagery animated series from the South Korean company Vooz and Jetix."
I saw it on Jetix. The TV.
Once. :-( (Too busy)
Not surprised that it could be in Flash format, technically-wise...
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