Sunday, April 04, 2010

13 bright bulbs

13 of the Brightest Tech Minds Sound Off on the Rise of the Tablet/Magazine, article.

Negroponte said:
"The unsung advantage of current ebooks is being able to use them in bed."
I guess he's not reading my blog, that's one of the first things I "sang".

Some of the quotes/posts are a bit weird though. "Advertising pioneer" George Lois says that a magazine on a tablet is a very poor substitute for the "real" thing. Apparently glossy paper has some magic quality unknown to science which makes the same pictures and words soar to the skies and heavens and shine with a divine light which just is not possible on the unworthy LCD screen. He thinks a computer screen is "bland" and "crammed". Well, screen already show more colors than you can print on paper with off-set. And while the iPad is a bit smaller than most magazine pages, that's just for now. There's no reason in a couple of years it can't be twice as large for a reasonable price, and hopefully barely heavier too. (I wonder if it could be strong enough if Apple bit the style bullet and made more use of plastic so it could be lighter?)


Sukiho said...

I have always worked lying on my front, even with a PC its not hard to have it at the end of a bed, I dont find it easy to concentrate while sitting

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

"I have always worked lying on my front"

So did I when I was young and handsome.

(Sorry, couldn't let that one go. Sorry!)

Michael Burton said...

I've never worked lying. I always tell the truth.

Except this once.

Miserere said...

I totally disagree with that guy, I think photos will look better on a tablet than a printed magazine. As for text, to me it looks better printed on'm sure this will soon not be the case. In fact, I can read comfortably for a long time on my BlackBerry, so text on the iPad might also look as good as printed to me.

The downside to tablets is that double trucks are no longer possible, but I'm fine with that.

Eo, the next frontier is fold-out screens, so I'd bet in a few years you'll have an iPad the same size as yours now, but with a screen that folds out to twice the size.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Mmmyeah, I'm wondering how they'll do that without a visible line in the middle.

What's "double trucks"?