Saturday, April 10, 2010

Depression article

An article with a medical slant on depression.
Depression is a conundrum : while most mental or psychological problems are RARE, this one affects 30 to 50% of people at least once in their life, be it only transiently.


Kent McManigal said...

I'll admit right up front that I didn't read the article, but a thought occurs to me: if 30% to 50% of humans experience something, maybe it isn't really a "mental or psychological problem", but merely part of the human condition.

Anonymous said...

And there's only one cure: more naked ladies.

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

Well spotted, Kent, that was roughly my point. But with some potentially useful pointers.
You might actually not be too bored if you read it. I avoided the overly technical talk as much as possible.

I'll remember to prescribe some to those who can't afford the steep prices of Prozac. Domai is a lot cheaper by the month. ;-)
I like the way you think, dude!

Anonymous said...

And for those who simply can't afford domai there's always cowbell.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

I would laugh, but I've actually had more than one person write me and tell me that Domai has been instrumental in their overcoming depression.
I didn't see that coming!

Kent McManigal said...

Pascal- OK, I read it now. Good points. I tend to get depressed a fair amount, due to a rather uncomfortable home-life. Your advice about using the depression to think through the problems while in a different state of mind is interesting.

Anonymous said...

If I were you I'd be depressed a lot too, Kent.

Anonymous said...

Well spotted, Kent, that was roughly my point.

It's just vintage Kent to point out something obvious to everyone else, and think it's a rare insight.

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

My verif says "liquared". AM SO NOT! [hic!]

Happy to know I can be of some remote help. Remote because I'm far away, I mean. ;-)
I'm still convinced that the Libertarian ideal would be driven to failure by human pettiness, like all utopias, but I'd very much like to be proven wrong... and the only way to be sure, is if sincere guys like you attempt it at some small scale, say a single State for instance. (Are you perchance into... "ACTIVE preaching"? ;-)
If solving your home-life problems frees your special-state mind for that, well... I'll feel it was a bit thanks to me! :-)
Although many a famous figure was able to rule a country while suffering(?) from depression. Or perhaps BECAUSE of it? Only they could tell.


"It's just vintage Kent to point out something obvious to everyone else, and think it's a rare insight."
Uh, no, thinking that was actually vintage ME.
But perhaps you're not depressed enough to spot such complex subtleties, eh, Josie? ;-)


Another Anonymous said...

I know what *I* would do if I were depressed: lurk around forums all day, and insult random people until their sobs make me feel way better by comparison.

"I'm no pretender."

Kent McManigal said...

Pascal- If humans are so petty, then why would giving some of them power over their fellow humans be a reasonable action? I see the worst of the worst being constantly attracted to those positions of power, with predictable results. It's called "history".

"attempt it at some small scale, say a single State for instance. (Are you perchance into... 'ACTIVE preaching'?"

I live it every day. How's that for "small scale"? ;)

A "free state" would be an oxymoron and a failure for liberty before it even had a chance to begin. There are a couple of groups, "The Free State Project" and "Free State Wyoming", who disagree with my suspicion. I wish them all the luck in the world and support their efforts.

Anonymous said...

I know what *I* would do if I were depressed: lurk around forums all day, and insult random people until their sobs make me feel way better by comparison.

Clearly that is what you do already. Well done.

Uh, no, thinking that was actually vintage ME.
But perhaps you're not depressed enough to spot such complex subtleties, eh, Josie? ;-)

No, I had it right.