Sunday, August 08, 2010

Blogs on Kindle

I made a Kindle subscription to The New Yorker. To my disappointment (which Amazon UK has polite noted), I can only read blogs, magazines, and newspapers on the Kindle device itself. Unlike books, I can't read them on other devices running the Kindle app.

I wonder why this is so. They don't have a problem with all the books being on other devices, you can merrily download the same book to as many compatible machines as you have.

Can anybody confirm if it's the same in the US?


1001 noisy cameras said...

The Kindle for PC app is the same way - only access to books, not blogs/magazines.

Maybe they assume if someone is on a smartphone or computer they have direct access to the regular or mobile version of a site/publication and/or the RSS feed, in color and with widgets/multimedia running?

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Maybe they do indeed.

Only many magazines are not online. And on the iPad, a web page is often a bitch to navigate and read, they are made for much larger screens.

Anyway, today I have for the first time taken the time to set up a bunch of feeds to start using RSS, which is much more handy on the iPad (which I can read in bed), so blogs I won't miss so much.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

... Of course, in NetNewsWire for iPad (which I pad good money for), the text can't be resized. The same is true for Apple Mail and Safari, etc. Why is this so overlooked on the iPad? It's very important for readability.