See? I toldja it should be wearable. Now I just need a jacket with a big pocket. Maybe I'll just take my jacket and coat to a local tailor.
On the other hand, maybe a belt thing may be better for me, because I always get warm when I have walked a couple of minutes and take off my jacket.
A couple of minuscule notes about the Woz site. They have taken down the web cam link, because he's never around the office these days. ... but they have not removed the huge link to it from the home page! Huh? Also big on the site is his book. iWoz. I bought it when it came out, and... well, I was a bit disappointed. While he was one of the best sort/hard-ware wizzes ever in the seventies, as a writer he is not very interesting, methinks. Not much to say.
Think digital exoskeleton: camera, iPhone, and iPad all in a vest designed to be worn in the tropics.
Sir will also need a suitable hat upon which to mount Sir's Pranav Mistry Sixth Sense devices:
The shape and size of that thing reminds me of a kevlar insert that fit into a lightweight bullet-proof vest I was once acquanted with :-)
Joking apart, from memory this garment would probably have ben quite easy to modify into something resembling a photographers vest, so would carry this quite easily, along with other stuff.
Have to say that looking at the size of it though, it doesn't really occur to me as something I'd voluntarily cart around with me on the off chance I wanted to have a quick read! :-)
For the "road warrior" type, it's much more than that: it's email access, it's navigation, It's wikipedia, it's news, it's updating twitters and blogs...
What a fatass
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