Note how small the lens mount seems compared to the body. Mama mia!
By the way, the reason for all the camera news right now, is the colossal Photokina expo in Köln, Germany this week. This biannual event has been probably the biggest lynchpin of the photo industri for over 60 years.
... Oooops, Olympus is now competing in the recent high-end compact battles! Stuff is happening there, even Canon's new S110 may be hard pressed to compete, mostly due to the new bigger sensors in other cameras.
Here's another verra kewl-looking announcement: Fuji XF1 (urgh, more X's).
I like small cameras and don't have any interest in the bigger ones from Panasonic. Still, I think they are doing the right thing because Panasonic doesn't have any bigger cameras with bigger mounts and lenses to sell.
They now have 4 cameras with the M4/3 mount: small casual, small enthusiast, large, and large enthusiast/pro. Seems like a reasonable lineup to me.
Oh yes.
Their cameras are really good too. And lenses. I just wish they'd chosen in-body stabilization.
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