Notes on life, art, photography and technology, by a Danish dropout bohemian.
on a lightly related side note Micmacs à tire-larigot
It hurts to watch that!
Incredible! I agree w/you, Michael! And...claustrophobia-inducing TIGHT quarters, too! :-/
Certainly not the time or place to get a leg cramp!
It must be a good thing if they are good friends too.
Ian said "Certainly not the time or place to get a leg cramp!"Or pass gas.. :-)
Awww...come ON, guys! Am I the only one that thought of this one: The big 'D'?! LOL! NOT a good day to come to work during one of those episodes! :-/
One of those "why do this?" - "just because we can" - moments, I suppose. I had a look at their website, but no sign of this act/these performers - pity!
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on a lightly related side note Micmacs à tire-larigot
It hurts to watch that!
Incredible! I agree w/you, Michael! And...claustrophobia-inducing TIGHT quarters, too! :-/
Certainly not the time or place to get a leg cramp!
It must be a good thing if they are good friends too.
Ian said "Certainly not the time or place to get a leg cramp!"
Or pass gas.. :-)
Awww...come ON, guys! Am I the only one that thought of this one: The big 'D'?! LOL! NOT a good day to come to work during one of those episodes! :-/
One of those "why do this?" - "just because we can" - moments, I suppose. I had a look at their website, but no sign of this act/these performers - pity!
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