Thursday, November 12, 2009

Caminito del Rey

[Thanks to Jim, Seattle]
Now there's a scary walk. See video. Quite the treat for adrenalin junkies. :-)
"El Caminito del Rey (English: The King's little pathway) is a walkway or via ferrata, now fallen into disrepair, pinned along the steep walls of a narrow gorge in El Chorro, near Álora in Málaga, Spain."
- wikipedia article.
It has killed quite a few people. What a f***ing drop if you do fall, ouch!

... Now that site,, there's a site which makes my web design seem over-embellished! Friggin' 'eck, not a single graphic.

1 comment:

TC [Girl] said...

Eolake said...
"Now there's a scary walk. See video."

OMG the dude shooting this! I would, SURELY, have fallen off @ the first "look-down" opportunity! lol! And...the first hole in the concrete?! I woulda been DONE! lol! ("Mommy! How to turn around?!" ROMFLMAO!!)

"Quite the treat for adrenalin junkies. :-)"

Is that not the truth?! Oh MY!!!!

wikipedia article: LMFAO at the last bit: "A cable runs the length of the path, giving people a method of securing themselves throughout the duration of the path. However, the stability of the cable is unknown. It would be wise to have space (more than 10 meters) between travelers. That way, if a section breaks, the cable will only be holding the weight of one person. That person shall shit him/her-self."

Wouldn't that be the truth?! :-(

"It has killed quite a few people. What a f***ing drop if you do fall, ouch!"

Found eating lunch whilst watching it presented quite a challenge! lol! :-(

"... Now that site,, there's a site which makes my web design seem over-embellished! Friggin' 'eck, not a single graphic."

Yeah. A "NO FRILLS" kind of space! VERY "BLAH"!! Not supposed to get a "rise" (NO "warm fuzzies"! lol!) outta the Adrenaline Junkies that come to visit for ONE THING ONLY: the VIDS!!!!! SICK PUPPIES that we ALL are! :-P