Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Number of the Best

I just happened to take a look at the lowdown on my main hard drive just when the numbers lined up like:

Total capacity: 999 GB
Free capacity: 333 GB
Used capacity: 666 GB

I think that's very funny. What can I say? Us home workers get our kicks where we can.

(Like I said once, I name my hard drives with names with Initials H.D., a tradition going back to the mists of the mid-nineties.)

(BTW, the number of the Best should really be One, shouldn't it? I dunno whaaat that bible booky was tawking abaht.)

I saw a cartoon once, a street shop under a big sign: "Dyslexic People's Union". A guy walks in and says: "I'd like to join your onion."


GilsDesk said...

My hard disks are named after Futurama characters. Fry, Leela, Farnsworth, Amy, etc. And if you have ever watched Futurama, you know that the number of Bender's nightmares is '2'. "It's okay, Bender . . . there's no such thing as 2!"

George Georgiev said...

If 666,881,429,504 bytes make for 666GB, does this mean that Apple / OsX is using "decimal" kilo/mega/giga system rather than hexadecimal?

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Or just that my thinking is less than precise re numbers. Never mind.