Sunday, January 23, 2011


Man, I'm so glad I learned how to touch-type back in school (an extracurricular). It takes time to get really fast, but it is so worth it.

Tommy added:
Funny you'd mention this. When I was in school I took a typing class which I thought I'd never use. I've eaten those words over and over and am very thankful that I took it. 


Tommy said...

Funny you'd mention this. When I was in school I took a typing class which I thought I'd never use. I've eaten those words over and over and am very thankful that I took it.

Anonymous said...

I took it in high school. It was part of a required business course. I was a terrible typist in those days but over the course of high school I gradually became pretty fast. I will win no world records but averaging 85 wpm is pretty good I think. I tried a typing program a couple of years ago to see if I could get up around 100, but despite daily practise and sticking with it for several months I didn't improve.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Well, I think 85 is faster than me anyhow.

And if one is writing, not transcribing, you only need to write as fast as you can make it up.

Anonymous said...

That's true. I couldn't be one of those close-captioning guys if it was for something live but for most other things probably around 60 is enough. I tried the Dvorak system a few years ago but I wasn't any faster with it and it just made using anyone else computer or a public computer harder to use as I wasn't able to keep both systems in my head.