Saturday, May 01, 2010

DVD commentaries

Isn't it amazing how few DVD commentaries are at all interesting? You'd think that somebody who works in the entertainment field would have an intuitive grasp of extemporizing in front of a mixed audience and talk about things which are interesting to more than twelve people on the planet. Instead we always hear about "this we shot at 2am. Man, it was really cold", and "this was actually the very first scene we shot. Or was it the second? No, wait, the very first was deleted, so it's actually the first in that sense".

Don't they have anything to say in and about their work? While making the movie, haven't they thought about what the film means, and how it achieves that meaning, and the causes and consequences of the choices they made while struggling to achieve it?


dave nielsen said...

Some can be pretty interesting. I thought the commentary for Crumb was quite good.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Sure, *some* are. But I vote it's less than 20%, which is shocking.

dave nielsen said...

I'm not disagreeing. 20% might be optimistic though. :)

Michael Burton said...

I've just listened to the worst DVD commentary ever: Mickey Rooney on "The Last Night of a Jockey," an episode from The Twilight Zone, season 5. It's mostly silence. From time to time, an interviewer is heard trying to get Rooney to say something. What he says then is mostly, "I don't remember," "That was a long time ago," and "Nobody cares about that stuff."

He was probably paid for that.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Well, he's old.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know what exactly he's supposed to say. As an actor he has little to do except show up and read his lines. He wouldn't necessarily have any knowledge of the production side of it.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

True, but it's the same even if it's the director or whoever.