Monday, May 10, 2010

Acrobat installing

Just bought Creative Suite 5. Well, I bought it a couple weeks ago, I got it today.

Adobe gives instructions upfront: "The components of your suite edition are located on one DVD set and one single DVD..."

And hear this: the Acrobat Pro application alone is now almost one gigabyte!! This is twice the space I had on my first mac in 1995. Totally ridik.

Also, Acrobat Pro apparently don't use any palettes. Normally an Adobe pro app has about 13,000 palettes, so when one is sitting there looking at an empty screen after opening the app, one thinks it is not done opening yet or has crashed...
It seem it uses a document window with tabs in lieu of palettes. Might actually be a good idea.

It has a cool feature too: a "typewriter" tool. It for "typing in" names and such when you fill out a form, just like you would with a typewriter if you had the form on paper. As you might expect, it can type anywhere on the page like a real typewriter could, and it types in Courier, naturellement! :-)

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