Monday, February 08, 2010

Jimmy Hendrix, go take a nap

[Thanks Tommy]


Anna said...

Love it ! :-)

TC [Girl] said...

FASCINATING to see them drawn to the "noise" (especially the one trying to make a nest in it?! FUNNY!!) rather than be repelled by it!

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

I'm wondering... I actually doubt they ever make a connection between the noise and what they do.

TC [Girl] said...

Probably not but...even just the noise Attracting them, rather than DEtracting them, in and of itself, was what had me wondering what would cause them to do that. Interesting for sure. :-)

Jes said...

Oh my God, I love that. That is the coolest, most unique idea I've seen in a long time.

TC [Girl] said...

Yes...Jes! (lol!) I shuddered, however, at the thought of having bird poop all over the guitars, though!! :-(

I was thinking about the *why* of the birds' attraction, this afternoon, and wonder if it just isn't one of their keenest of their sensories: auditory (I'm not a bird expert) always listening for other sounds and...perhaps the decibel w/which these tones are emerging from the guitar are "comforting" rather than the "alarm" of the higher tones of their many feathered adversaries?

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

I don't know whether this is adorable or bloody impressive.

Maybe both. :-)

"I actually doubt they ever make a connection between the noise and what they do."
I challenge that doubt!
Birds are very intelligent, so surely they've noticed the synchronism between their actions and some odd sounds. Just like they'd notice the sound they'd make by hoppity-hopping on a tin roof.
They just don't fret about it, that's all. Experience has shown them that the sound was not related to any threat. Just like city birds know that car engines and horns are not especially related to a specific danger... unlike those big things moving fast.
What I doubt, is that they're making these sounds -the way they are made- on purpose, for some "musical" reason. In the human understanding of music.

"in and of itself, was what had me wondering what would cause them to do that."
Because these are Zebra Finches (in French, "diamond mandarins"). Therefore, verly easily domesticated birds, accustomed to odd artificial sounds arising from the proximity of those weird human bipeds.

"I shuddered, however, at the thought of having bird poop all over the guitars, though!!"
What about the thought of having bird pee-pee in your guitar case? ;-)

Also, bear in mind one unmentioned possibility: that the amplis of these guitars might not actually be plugged to speakers near the birds. Maybe the sound was a live mix of the ambiant scene (like the birds' tweeting) and the electronic signal received solely in the recording studio/room.
It's not sure that these birds are even AWARE of the "dadaist music" they're creating.