Wednesday, April 01, 2009

The trailer voice

You know that voice which they always use for trailers for dramatic movies and thrillers? I'm not sure it's always the same man, but it always sound the same: deep, booming, thrilling, important, and very, very, very, dramatic.
I am soooo sick of that voice. It just seems so phoney to me now, and I can't watch more than five seconds of a trailer which uses it.
Am I the only one?


Anonymous said...

Well, Eo, the voice you mention belonged to the late Don 'The Voice' LaFontaine. So, yes, it was always the same man :)

P.S. I don't mind The Voice :))

Uncle Ron said...

Thank you Eo and Dreamwolf for bringing the "voice" to light...Don LaFontaine has had a fantastic career and his voice will definitely be remembered for a long, long time...

I not only like the voice but the truly remarkable person behind it...

Tommy said...

Eolake, do I detect some jealously here? You just wish that it was your voice that they found (grin)...

Sukiho said...

Im sure his voice was great the first few times but every single trailer for 30 years? its kind of pushing the envelope, chinese torture

The Dissonance said...

I think of "that announcer guy voice" as I would a distinctive tenor sax player (Getz) or bari sax player (Mulligan). Too much of anything is bad but still, fantasic sound.