Monday, April 13, 2009

The Murals of Alexandros Vasmoulakis

The Murals of Alexandros Vasmoulakis, photos.
It'd be cool to make a mural one day, I never thought of that. Surely not lucrative, but it's seen.


Ray said...

His on-line portfolio is here:-

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Gawd, I dislike web sites which change the size of my browser window. Especially since all my new windows will take the size of the most recent one, so I am forced to change it manually.

Timo Lehtinen said...

Apparently he likes to present his website as a mural too.

Chris S. said...

I hate when they do that too. You could add the site to a no-javascript exception list. Firefox has that. But the annoying thing is that you never know the first time.