Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Drawing Dilbert

Scott Adams has made a post and a video about how he draws Dilbert on a tablet screen.
I liked how he uses Photoshop. Many years ago I found out how it's much easier to make smooth lines using Illustrator, so I've stuck to that. But there are advantages to Photoshop too, so I think I'll fool around with that.

I had tip for him, I hope he can use it. I wrote to him:

You wrote: "Before I add the color, I convert from grayscale to bitmap then back to grayscale and up to CMYK. The detour to bitmap makes the color fills cleaner, going all the way to the black lines without leaving a little border."
You can skip the detour if you set the Tolerance of the paint bucket tool to a higher number. 99 seems to work for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree - Photoshop can be used for creating anything at all in the visual world. Learning it never stops; there's as many ways to do something in PS as there are methods and techniques in a stardard photographic darkroom, photolab and design studio. My longest action is 178 steps - in a standard darkroom/design environment, this process would take 3½ hours.