Saturday, June 07, 2008

Saving your blog writing

If you have a blog and you're like me, that you write the posts directly into the web interface, perhaps it's a good idea to every so often save your blog pages to your own computer, so you're not depending on Blogger or whoever to save it forever.

Myself, I save the monthly archive pages (which there are links to on the right).
I save it in Mozilla/Firefox, because it can save generic HTML plus makes a folder with the embedded images. Safari can only save as HTML without saving the images, or it saves in a proprietary format which includes them but can't be opened with any other browsers. I think the Firefox solution is so much better. Also it can save as text-only. I think it's a poor show from Apple that Safari does not have these platform- and application-independent options.

Talking about Safari, both my laptop and desktop Macs have Safari 3.1.1, but it's different: on the desktop, safari scales down (non-embedded) pictures which don't fit in the window, but on the laptop it doesn't. (For added irony, it would be a more useful feature on the laptop, what with the smaller screen.) I can't find a setting to determine this. Any idea anybody?

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