Thursday, May 08, 2008

Knocked Up

(Funny enough, this post is more about "skin", and more about copyright.)

Just watched Knocked Up. At first I was doubtful, but I ended up enjoying it. Beautiful women, great kids, decent story, and often quite funny.

Featured in the film was the famous web site Mr. Skin. It features scenes with actresses in the nude. It's amazing to me for two reasons: 1) apparently the guy has forty people working for him! 2) apparently the film studies leave him alone, despite him ripping all the nude scenes and putting them on a pay site! I'm pretty amazed by that. But I think the key may be that he is claiming the site is a review site, and the clips are put up as per the clause in copyright law which says you can feature bits of copyrighted works in connection with reviews. This would make it reasonably watertight, at least enough to not make it worth contending.

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