Thursday, March 29, 2007

Apple sizes

It just strikes me something odd is going on with Apple Inc and sizes. In the one place where compactness matters, namely laptop computers, they seem to have given up making a really small and light one. They cancelled the wonderful 12-inch laptop.

But where is does not matter, on top of your TV, they have made a box which is smaller than any laptop I've had.

The smallest iPod is so small you have to clip it on your shirt for if you keep it in your pocket it's too small and light to stay in there.

And the apple remote control, which only has to sit on your table, not get carried anywhere, is so small that it can hide behind a coffee cup.

All very odd. :)


Anonymous said...

Odd, yes. And, after reading what Jason Tomczak writes about Apple TV heat generation you might even say it's downright silly.

I can, sort of, understand the remote control --- perhaps the idea was to make it concealable in one's hand during a standing presentation?

At least the Mac Pro case remains at a healthy size and with good air circulation.

Anonymous said...

They cancelled the wonderful 12-inch laptop.

It wasn't a big hit with consumers. The sales were horrible.
That's why. Just didn't fit the needs.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Really?? All my friends love it and miss it.

Where can I read about this?

Anonymous said...

The problem's easy to solve : let's just ask Apple to also make proportionate-sized pockets and coffee cups. D'uh!

The only odd thing here is that nobody thought of it before me.