Monday, October 13, 2014

Robin Wong Olympus tester

Robin Wong is an entertaining guy who runs a blog where he tests the new Olympus gear. He does it subjectively but well, and often his pictures, though only taken for test-purposes, are really nice and good for wallpaper.

Here is his newest test, of an unusually excellent lens, the newest of Olympus' short line of super Pro lenses, the 40-150mm f:2.8 Pro lens. It has absolutely top-shelf performance all through the line (at this time top-level zoom lenses are actually sharper than almost all prime lenses, if you can believe it), it has a fixed top aperture of 2.8, very useful in low light and for getting nice soft backgrounds. It is also proofed against rain and even frost, like the other Pro lenses and the Olympus E-M1.

It is bigger and heavier than one is used to with Micro Four Thirds lenses, but a similar lens for full frame would be so big and heavy that one would hardly be able to use free-hand, and cost a lot more.

(A third of this is lens hood.)
Robin struck up an unusual friendship
with a cockatoo named Madonna. 

Photo: Robin Wong.

Here is an informative and funny shootout on video, comparing it to the much smaller, but also outstanding Panasonic 35-100mm 2.8. Results may surprise.


Ken said...

A "kakatoo"? No, a "cockatoo". We see them around the streets here.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Thanks, my man.

TC [Girl] said...

Loved both the beautiful images and the vid; my favorite dialogue (they were a hoot [and a holler!]!):

"Yup, that's not the competition, right now..."

"You can drag that giant lens around a little more..."

"How's carrying that big boat anchor doing for you?" favorite (did you ever doubt it?! LOL!):

Bokeh Test:

"I have to bring myself down to your level..." and...

"I do think your little balls are beautiful, but I've got equally beautiful balls..." ROFLMAO!! SO FUNNY...especially thinking of anyone walking by, right about then!! :-P

Thanks for the chuckles, Eo!