Monday, July 07, 2014

Lawnmower racing

I watched a funny episode of King of the Hill, where Hank entered a lawnmower race. Good show. And of course they made fun of the the slow speed which lawnmowers supposedly can get up to.
But I looked it up, and I would say maybe they hadn't done their research, for these suckers get up to a good clip! I pity anybody who'd get in the way of one driving at full speed.

I would have bet that this originated in the US, but it seems it's a British invention.


Steve Smith said...

Maybe the King of the Hill crowd were purists who figure there's no point if you're basically just riding a go cart.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Ah, so the fast machines are not in factory state, you're saying? I assumed they were (apart from blades removed), so the sport would make sense/be fair. (I'm sure there are *some* rules as to how much you can upgrade them though.)

Tommy said...

I sent this to my neighbor and now he wants me to make a track in my yard so that we can race our lawn tractors, with blades in tact of course....

Steve Smith said...

Ah, so the fast machines are not in factory state, you're saying?

I would assume not, no riding mower I've ever seen goes that fast. Hank Hill was serious about his mower and his lawn, he'd have wanted them unmodified stock. :-)