Friday, November 02, 2012

Cat at centre of bitter children's book scrap

[Question for readers who use RSS reader: I often edit posts several times as I find errors or get additional data/ideas. Do you get several copies of some posts? (If so I'll try to minimize the re-editing.)]

Cat at centre of bitter children's book scrap, article.

Good grief, what a story. Who owns the copyright to a big orange cat?
The cat has a better idea: fight for three minutes, then lie in the sun for hours.


DeltaCubed said...

I use Google Reader and do not get multiple copies. Apparently I see the most recent version.

The ginger cat story just makes you want to shake your head *SIGH*

Mentor said...

I thought, for one awful moment, that the story was going to take a sour turn when the creator of Garfield decided to weigh in or something.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Thanks, DC.

Perhaps the multiple-post thing is only when the feed is delivered in special ways, like via email. Probably not even in normal RSS reading apps like Reeder and Netnewswire.

I get my fave feeds via It's great, though one does *not* want to overdo it, and drown out more important emails.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

... Oh, and it's a good idea to make a separate mail box for newsletters, feeds, blog comments, and such things.

Ken said...

What we now have, is the lynch mob internet style, where people under the cover of anonymity, can make life difficult for anyone they don't like.

Pat McGee said...

I use NetNewsWire. If you edit a post several times before I refresh my subscriptions, I see only the latest. If you edit one after I read it, I see it again.

I like that behavior.

And I usually like the updates. I don't remember you editing "too many" typos.

ttl said...

I don't see more than one copy either. Blogger handles changes intelligently in its RSS/Atom feeds.

After receiving newsletters to email for more than 20 years, the invent or RSS was a godsend! I coerce even some non-RSS pages to my RSS feed whenever I can find a way to do it.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

All righty, thanks guys.

Tom Heffernen said...

What we now have, is the lynch mob internet style, where people under the cover of anonymity, can make life difficult for anyone they don't like.

Maybe someone will lay on this guy the savage beating he deserves, but unfortunately nothing will happen to these morons who blindly supported him.

There's no justice like angry mob justice! - Seymour Skinner.

An example of what would happen in a Libertarian world.