For example, I just watched Avengers Assemble, and it was just really good fun. If you liked Iron Man, I think you will like Avengers. It was well done, a good story, often very funny, and even sometimes emotionally relevant, which may be the most difficult thing for a big summer action movie to be.
I was talked into watching Captain America first. I had not had any thought to see it, I'm not interested in War movies. But this was more like a Sci-fi/war/superhero movie, and it was fun. The visuals alone was worth it, many excellent machine and vehicle designs.
The Avengers movie was led up to, of course, by Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America. Despite having Natalie Portman in it, I thought Thor was not quite as strong as the others. Not sure why, maybe it had less humor, or maybe I thought the scenes in Asgaard did not seem convincing, it was not really clear if it was a "real" place or a spiritual realm, or what. But it was not a bad movie by any stretch, and if you want to get the whole background, it's worth seeing.
I think Scarlett Johansson did a very good job in Avengers, and despite the basic silliness of having a couple of normal-strength humans in a group which includes Thor and The Hulk, they managed to have her pull her weight and then some. A lot some.
*Spiderman is a big exception, Sony owns those rights, which was why a new trilogy was started so soon; to keep the rights. Too bad, for while I haven't seen it, from what I've read, it didn't seem to be hugely inspired.
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