Thursday, August 11, 2011

So you’re MAD about something on the Internet…


Michael Burton said...

Chill out and eat a sandwich? Are you KIDDING me? I'm really fat -- one more sandwich will probably push me over the edge from morbidly obese to DEAD!!!

I believe in free speech, but when a cartoon tells me to chill out and drop dead, I get MAD!

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

You could modify it to: "chill out and go purge".

Michael Burton said...

Hey! Are you calling me fat?

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Au contraire, you're the picture of slender grace. Next to you, Tinkerbelle looks like John Candy.

Anonymous said...

Big surprise, I bet most of your suckup regulars are fatass fuglies.

Anonymous said...

I totally am. In fact I have Twinkies fed into my blood stream through an IV because I am too fat to lift my arm. I'm currently typing this with a device that translates eye movement into letters. That I am still alive is both a medical miracle and a natural aberration.

Goddammit why won't somebody pull the plug?

Anna said...

Hey, Eo, does that mean we should not leave comments on your blog?


Eolake Stobblehouse said...

No no, I was not talking about you or *my* blog, like a true writer I was commenting on the world in general. (Through the voice and pencil of the guy who made the infographic, but you get the idea.)

Anna said...

"like a true writer I was commenting on the world in general."


So true writers write about things they don't know... Good to know... :)

Anna said...

Actually sometimes leaving comments are important, maybe a kind of citizen's duty.

If some stupid, logically absurd articles are published in the media, it is such a relief to see that some people have brain and leave intelligent comments...

And sometimes facing the staggering stupidity and desinformation in the media, it is great to find a charitable spirit who left a link to an informative site in the comments...

Though it is true, internet does grab you (or at least me) sometimes much more than what it should, and reverses priorities, because one feels like saying something...

I don't have any sandwich at home. But have loads of chocolate...

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

"So true writers write about things they don't know."

Indeed. "Write what you know" is destructive advice. If everybody did that, we'd only have fearful little volumes of confirmable facts. There'd be no science fiction or fantasy, no philosophy.

Anonymous said...

Cado was and probably will again be a lardo. It's only a matter of time.

Anonymous said...

I've been at a healthy weight for three years, I never gained more than 15lbs back, and I've learned ways to drop any excess in a couple of weeks when I need to.

Try harder.

@Anna: I completely agree. There's a lot of shit out there and everytime people stay quiet it's allowed to permeate further. It's like we've forgotten how healthy debate and discussion really is.

Anonymous said...

I don't need to try harder. You know it's inevitable.