Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Julie Newmar (Updated)

I must admit I never really got Adam West's Batman costume. Somehow it does not seem likely to Strike Fear Into The Hearts Of Evildoers.
Julie Newmar's costume on the other hand, that certainly strikes something into somewhere! Yowsa, baby. I'll bet she helped a lot of small Batfans begin to feel like men.

I've watched episode "That Darn Catwoman", and I'm struck by the fact that Julie is not only exceptionally hot and pretty, she's also a good actress, and funny! A real comedienne talent.

We never saw the show on Danish television. Until late eighties there was only one channel, and I guess for some reason they didn't see it as classy TV!


Mac Taylor said...

I must admit I never really got Adam West's Batman costume. Somehow it does not seem likely to Strike Fear Into The Hearts Of Evildoers.

It was supposed to, at least not the 60s version.

I guess for some reason they didn't see it as classy TV!

You aren't exactly known for having taste or being a big brainbox either, let's face it.

Anonymous said...

I dunno, imagine the dude in that bat costume with a leering grin and tell me that doesn't creep you right the fuck out. Add a bit of stubble for the full effect, and maybe a strap on dildo if you really wanna up the crazy.

I would run the hell away from that dude, is all I'm saying.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Well, that's just my uncle Jens on a new years eve.

TC [Girl] said...

Just read this re: how "silly" they think Anne Hathaway looks in the suit. Frankly, I don't see any difference from her or Halle Berry's suit...from this one...other than that this one might be more..."dressy!"

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

I think it looks a bit dull, but then it's very small pictures.

I think it's tough to find somebody who has both the looks and the acting chops to play Catwoman. She is a larger than life character, who would be ridiculous in real life, so it's hard to play her and make it seem real.

Ms Newmar was amazing. So funny. For example at the end of one scene, a bird in a cage next to her chirped loudly, and she was startled, but she *was startled as Catwoman*. Stayed in character, and it was funny.

TC [Girl] said...

I'll have to watch it, sometime. I haven't seen any Batman stuff, since I was a kid. No idea what I even saw but funny enough to even recall that I have watched something 'Batman and Robin' in my day. :-)

(I wonder if this was what I watched, back then.