Notes on life, art, photography and technology, by a Danish dropout bohemian.
As always, a lampshade provides comedy gold.
Yes, I suddenly realized that this was one of the immortal classics that I had never taken advantage of.
Sexy or what??
Had you combined the facial expression of the 1st pic with the shadial expression of the 2nd pic, you would have had a nice portrait of thyself.
Underemployed again?
Sexy or what??Or would have had a nice portrait of thyself.He'd still be homely as a mule's butt though.
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As always, a lampshade provides comedy gold.
Yes, I suddenly realized that this was one of the immortal classics that I had never taken advantage of.
Sexy or what??
Had you combined the facial expression of the 1st pic with the shadial expression of the 2nd pic, you would have had a nice portrait of thyself.
Underemployed again?
Sexy or what??
Or what.
you would have had a nice portrait of thyself.
He'd still be homely as a mule's butt though.
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