The Panasonic GF1 camera and Lumix G 20mm f/1.7 ASPH. lens, article.
Every year, we get a little closer to a real "street camera".
Me, I'm still waffling: zoom or no zoom. I'm attracted by a compact, fast, and sharp lens like this 20mm promises to be. But on the other hand, when I'm out photographing, I find myself zooming constantly for different framing.
Back on the first hand though, if I only have the one lens and focal length, maybe I will only think in that view angle, and maybe even work more efficiently? Waffle waffle.
I think that prime lenses are worth consideration. You will learn DOF and
best (sharpest or not) f-stop by observation. It's not possible (in my experience)to get this organized mentally with a zoom. To mitigate the disadvantage of not being able to frame with the zoom, try going closer or backing away from the subject. Of course, this is not possible in every case, but your comfort level with the camera/lens will make the image your prime consideration and you may end up thinking less about your camera.
Very true. Using only one lens will force you to shoot within the constraints of the capabilities of the lens. When I shot for AP on the street years ago, I used a Nikon FM with the fantastic 105mm 2.5 lens.
Still have them!
"When I shot for AP on the street years ago, I used a Nikon FM with the fantastic 105mm 2.5 lens."
Well, that's quality.
You shot for Amateur Photographer? I did not know they had ever had staff photographers or whatever you were. What did you shoot for them?
For a regular page?
Might AP be Associated Press?
Ooops, good guess. I'm more used to the British acronym.
AP is Associated Press in this case.
The FM and the 105 was my grab and go camera. I shot spot news and added quite a few images to the AP library.
I think it's all owned by Getty Images now.
For news purposes, where things can move fast, and today with the quality of new zooms, I think I'd go with a zoom anyway.
For art and such, it's another story.
But I think I'll experiment a bit with a prime lens walk-around experience. Maybe I'll get that new Panasonic lens, even if it is isn't stabilized.
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