Thursday, August 14, 2008

Unnatural acts

Maybe nutritional experts have changed their tune again as they do all the time, but last I remember, they said that you should "eat like a king in the morning, like a duke at noon, and like a pauper at night".

They said that if you're not hungry in the morning, that's just an admission that you have eaten too much at night. But many years ago I tried to follow the advice of not eating in the hours before bed time, and that's when I developed stomach pains which haunted me for years.

I just don't feel like eating much in the morning, it does not come natural to me. And I don't like to force unnatural acts upon myself or others. Except, you know, in the right circumstances.


Pascal [P-04referent] said...

One that I heard in Lebanon, the land of self-appointed supreme wise philosophers and experts-in-everything, considered that digestion makes the whole body lazy, so "eat breakfast like a poor, lunch like a miser, and dinner like a prince".

After a whole childhood of getting forcibly split between the "flawless" (but nevertheless strangely contradicting) theories of nearly every aunt and cousin, I wisely decided to pray the "do as you will, and fart of the others".
Clearly I was born an anarchist.

Perhaps this is precisely what Aunt Euphrasia meant by my "original sin"? The "ungrateful wickedness" that made me "not so discretely despising of the wisdom" that she hammered on me "for your own good, one day you'll thank me"?

That day might still come.
Yeah, after there's peace in the Middle-East! :-P

Bert said...

A link to an interesting SciAm article on the topic: Fat Chance: Do Dietary Guidelines Actually Contribute to Obesity?

A fascinating read, from which each and everyone should draw his/her own conclusions. Kinda confirmed to me that dietetics are more akin to religion than science: a set of beliefs based on little or no facts, or ambiguous interpretation of facts at best.

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

They are in Lebanon.
And the name of the religion is self-worship. Because a Lebanese, by definition, is always right! (Unless his mother begs to differ...)

A lot of our dietetic dogmas come from the theories of some "wise people" who lived in the arabo-islamic world many centuries ago. The more ancient, the wiser. By definition.

(sigh) Aah, the good ole days, when the best scientist was defined as the one who spoke best and could silence others with irrefutable semantics!
I so wish *I* had lived back then. I would've been made at the very least Allah's Grand Vizir by popular demand!

Life is unfair. Life, the Universe, and everything.
Good thing I can count on fortitude. Commonly written "42-D".