Wednesday, November 14, 2007

God is in the details

One of the things I like about Apple's products is the attention and fun they put into the details.

An example is that with the newest system, if you take a screen shot of part of the screen (ctrl-shift-4), then small pixel coordinates numbers appear along with the cursor crosshairs so you can see exactly where you are on the monitor.

Another example is that in the widget World Clock, if you change time zone in a clock (you can have many, in different time zones), then the time does not just change instantly, the hands of the clock wind back fast, then slow down and settle on the time of the zone you selected. Beautiful details.

... Of course there are still bugs, though. For example it irritates me that while folders' icons on the desktop nicely show how many items are in the folder, this number does not always update when an application adds or removes items. And sometimes the number is just wrong.


Anonymous said...

Blasphemy! God is in the bigger picture. He's called the Almighty, not the Minute Part.

For your boldness, mister, you are going straight to Hell along with all your naked women on an express bus. I hope your misery loves company.
And, down there, you'll only have one OS: WINDOWS 98. Then you'll truly understand why it's called Hell. That'll teach you to take a bite off the Apple!

P.S.: Expect to meet Pascal down there. Goes without saying.

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

What a relief! I was worried my undignified presence might bother the holy likes of you in Heaven. :-)

Anonymous said...

Can I get on that bus? I like naked women.

Anonymous said...

"you are going straight to Hell ... And, down there, you'll only have one OS: WINDOWS 98"

No way, it's Unix throughout. Did you know that in Unix, background processes are called daemons? Or that the Super User (privileged user) in Unix systems is usually portrayed as a devil? (photo: girl dressed as BSD Unix logo) In fact, the system is drenched with subtle references to the dark side.

Unix is the individualist's (= libertarian's) operating system. The New Hampshire state motto Live Free Or Die is also the Unix motto.

Now, individualism is also the key principle in Satanism. Therefore individualism and sinfulness are interconnected.

So, Unix being the devil's operating system, it follows that we Unix hackers probably all end up in Hell. So what operating system do you think we run there? MS-Windows? Guess again.

Hannah said...

*cheers to hear her state's motto*

The only ironic part is those license plates which the motto is stamped on are made by prisoners.

Anonymous said...

computers always make me go a big rubbery one

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

I'm beginning to suspect that I don't know what that expression means.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I understood it to mean "to get wood," but it is not a common expression where I'm from. I've actually only ever heard it used here:

Judging by the number of things that give anonymous rubbery ones, just breathing must give him a rubbery one!

P.S. From now on I'll make sure I've got my comments in order so that I'm not deleting and re-doing them so much!

Alex said...

I still think that Windows ME or Vista might be the OS which adorns Hell, not '98.

I still like the expression "God is in the details", it shows that he is totality, taking care to put all those little gluons, mesons and tachyons together in just the right order. Who else but a divine being would give us quarks, be they up, down, strange or charmed. I wonder what delights she hid in quarks for us to discover...

Anonymous said...

TTL said...
"In fact, the system is drenched with subtle references to the dark side."


Anonymous said...

"She"? God? That's it, mister yellow face, on the naked chicks bus with you, NOW!

No nude women models will be allowed in Heaven, I'll tell you THAT. They'll all be going to the hot place. Along with their big rubbery immoral "toys".

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Have you seen Toy Story II? When the evil overlord (ha, I typed "overload") fell down the elevator shaft, and Buzz Lightyear calls "Father...!"

Anonymous said...

hannah said: *cheers to hear her state's motto*

From what I understand it's not just empty motto-words either. Apparently New Hampshire is generally regarded as the most free state in U.S. This is also why the Free State Project chose it as their destination.

Likewise, in Europe, Switzerland has traditionally been regarded as the most free country (not part of EU, stayed out of tangling alliances, economical privacy, low taxation, etc.)

Anonymous said...

No nude women models will be allowed in Heaven, I'll tell you THAT. They'll all be going to the hot place. Along with their big rubbery immoral "toys".

Heaven sounds like an amazingly dull place, then.

Anonymous said...

"In heaven, all the interesting people are missing" -- Friedrich Nietzsche

Alex said...

Actually, I don't think of myself as a Heathen, more of an Infidel or Gentile.

Anonymous said...

"In heaven, all the interesting people are missing" -- Friedrich Nietzsche

Mr. Nietzsche, that depends upon your interests. I do know that in Hell there are no " atheists."
Read between the lines.

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

Toy Story II? Did they have any rubber toys playing in it?

Note to self: if I emigrate to the Land of the Free, aim for that haven of anarchy which is New Hampshire.
And bring some "toys".

Anonymous said...

Joe Dick said...
"Heaven sounds like an amazingly dull place, then."

And you sound like a sharp mind, my son. There's only one thing to do in Heaven: pray in ecstasy to the face of the Lord. Who needs anything more, like boozing and toying and sexing? Maybe there's still time for you to get off that express bus and take a ticket for the one-way balloon ride up in the wite clouds. The harps will be provided on location, don't worry about that.

Atheists won't go to Hell, because they don't believe in it. Or in Heaven. In fact they'll go nowhere. Serves them right.

As for an "Infidel or Gentile", it's even worse than any Atheist or Heathen. These rank right up there with Goths, Free Lovers, homosexuals and Satanists.

But Satanists pose a dilemma to my usually enlightened-by-faith mind: if they aren't wicked enough to "deserve going to Hell as a reward" for following their twisted beliefs in the Devil, then... they have to end up elsewhere! Oh Lord, help me see the light so I can curse them adequately in my preaches.
Hmmm... Maybe they can go to New Orleans, Beirut or Baghdad? Or even Paris? I don't know, France sounds too cruel a punishment.

Alex said...

Fire and Brimstone, I don't agree with your statement

As for an "Infidel or Gentile", it's even worse than any Atheist or Heathen. These rank right up there with Goths, Free Lovers, homosexuals and Satanists.

There are many Gentiles who would see themselves as very close to God. A large number of Gentiles are Christians.

Your statement says that all Christians are worse than Satanists. Though a lot of vocal Christians show signs of the seven deadly sins like Pride, and have pretty unforgiving attitudes, I don't think the true Christians are worse than Satanists.

As for Infidel, I was mistaken, I was looking for the antonym of Muslim, not the general revoking of all Gods.

Anonymous said...

And you sound like a sharp mind, my son.

You're not qualified to judge.

I always have to laugh at you religious nuts, who haven't two brain cells to rub together. Poor bastard.

I hope you don't have children. If you're a guy, cut your balls off. If you're a chick, stick a shotgun up your snatch and pull the trigger.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

I have a suspicion that the F&B person is a spoof.

Anonymous said...

I have a suspicion that the F&B person is a spoof.

Regardless, I was having fun with him. I thought those were some not bad lines. I was inspired by Sgt. Hartman, when he threatened to cut off Pvt. Pyle's balls so that he could not contaminate the rest of the species.

On a more serious and grotesque note, a pregnant woman did one time shoot herself that way, and got off.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

That's a heavy-handed way to get off! :)

(Of course you may have meant "get off" in a different definition. You meant she lived?)

Anonymous said...

Oh, by got off I meant she "beat the rap." I forget whether the kid lived or not. They said that since it was still unborn, she could do what she wanted. As soon as it's born, it's murder - odd, that.

Anonymous said...

Here's a link to it:

This also mentions the case, but is pretty long too:

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

"when he threatened to cut off Pvt. Pyle's balls so that he could not contaminate the rest of the species"

The Darwin Awards prove that some people take your advice very seriously.

"As soon as it's born, it's murder - odd, that."

Well, it might be an outdated notion in today's world of medical miracles, but it's true. I learned about it in our Forensics course, in the chapter where we learn to tell whether a newborn was killed(?) before of after it took at least one breath. Killing a stillborn isn't technically a crime, and a child is considered legally alive (thus its killing a crime) if and only if it was born, and born alive. The instant of birth is when a baby legally becomes a person.
Ethically, of course, it's a whole other enchilada.

Having cast a quick look at the cases in your link, I believe that when a child is born alive, and suffers harm from something done when they were a foetus, the person they have legally become has the same right to any compensation as babies harmed after birth. Murder charges may not be legally filed, but bodily harm and damage to life quality certainly can. Which would also be useful in making a pregnant woman think twice about the consequences of her actions, when thay might gravely affect a living person in the near future.

After all, human reproductive cloning is outlawed worldwide today, and I support it, be it only for the reason that a clone is hugely likely to have genetic problems and a dramatically shortened life expectancy. The sheep Dolly was "put to sleep" because of the many health problems its premature ageing caused (she was, literally, "born already old" because of her adult genes). Nobody should have the right to impose this on a human baby. No matter how you present it, it's a blatant violation of the human right to a naturally healthy life, because of an artificial intervention.

Another reason for my opposition to humans getting cloned, is that I know the human mind. Too many children grow up under the pressure of parents wanting to vicariously fulfill their own missed dreams through their children. Imagine, furthermore, if a child was an "identical copy" of the wisdom-impaired parent. (By "identical copy", I mean in the parent's mind. Clones, like identical twins, are each a distinct individual. Not spare lives for those who screw up their own existence!)

But this can o' worms would deserve its own thread.

Probably 75% of Earth's population were unplanned children. Yet most of us were accepted and loved by our parents. Unplanned isn't the same as unwanted. Absence of love is the only sin.

Great prematurity, another topic in the article linked to, is also a very problematic ethical issue today. Medicine can have babies survive earlier and earlier. Survive, yes. But the incidence of unavoidable brain damage increases in the same proportion. "Life at any cost"? But what kind of a life is it we sometimes force into being, with "severe psycho-motor handicap", to use an euphemism?
It's not easy having God's power of life and death, and having to take the decisions...

With great power comes great responsibility. Heavy is the head that bears the crown.

Some women need also to remember that they have a similar God-like power, when they bear a future life. It's not, by far, a mere detail.

Anonymous said...

With great power comes great responsibility.

It's good to know you're not above using a Spider-Man reference now and then.

Pascal [P-04referent] said...

Little old meeee? Above a guy who can scale the tallest buildings?
(Okay, so not in a single bound, but that other high-altitude guy in red-&-blue doesn't swing from them. ;-)

I never hesitate to take wothy quotes from any source. Here's one from the intro of wargame simulation Front Mission 3 on the first PlayStation:

"Desire spawns madness
Madness collapses into disaster
Mankind never learns."

That was years before the Texan cowboy's desolating desert ride. After he broke his back on the mountain?... :-P