Tuesday, May 01, 2007


I've come to realize that almost all of films and TV shows I really appreciate have some element of humor. Though often subtle or different.

I think that humor is not a... thing you do. It's not a technique. It's not something added. It is a basic thing. I think humor is a perspective on life.

Being able to laugh is to be able to put yourself at a healthy distance to life.
To see the absurdity of it.
And to be able to process and get through pain.

And writing or creating funny things is the ability to help others do this. Which is a substantial gift, hugely valuable.


Anonymous said...

Being able to laugh is to be able to put yourself at a healthy distance to life.
To see the absurdity of it.
And to be able to process and get through pain.

I think laughter puts us "closer" to life. And life can be absurd at times.
I can process and get through pain because it's been my shadow over the last seven years due to an injury at work. My emotional pain has been a coaster ride, depending upon what curves I manage to make without crashing.

Paul Sunstone said...

Sometimes, the only thing that can make sense of life is a good joke.

Anonymous said...

I would have posted some lengthy essay here, but I believe I've already said all there was to say on this topic.

Unless someone makes the fatal mistake of tickling my muse... ):-)