Tuesday, June 06, 2006


... I am trying to become not a perfectionist... because that is such a flaw...
Can you be perfect if you're a perfectionist?
Can you be perfect if you know you are?

Anyway, that's just a bit of fun. I believe that perfection is way overrated. What matters is the presence of qualities, not the absence of flaws.


Anonymous said...

Everything we humans create is already perfect. Perfectionism then is not about reaching perfection, but about reaching a state of complacency. If our work is a mirror, perfectionism is about striking a pose.

Anonymous said...

If something is really "perfect", it cannot be enhanced anymore. So, it is dead. Life means "being total", totally authentic and perfectly imperfect any timeless moment, growing and blossoming, and there is beauty, no matter which result ...

Anonymous said...

Perfection can be so hard to live with. Look at me, I'd have a very hard time dealing with it if I weren't also perfectly modest! ;-p
I was just discussing this with God the other day (millenium for you mortals). He's still cross about humans inventing that dang paradox of Him creating an unmovable object and an unstoppable force that would meet. You don't get it, do you?
Basically, you guys should understand that perfection is an asymptote : a direction towards which you can head, but you may never reach. Like the horizon.
Besides, as Satan (C.O. of H.E.L.L. detention center) told me once over poker, if humans were perfect, they'd be terribly boring, "and I love my fun". He mentioned the anecdote of Michaelangelo, who thought he had reached perfection with his (rather impressive) sculpture of Moses, and found it so life-like he broke one of its fingers when he hit it with his hammer yelling : "When are you gonna speak?"
Still, being also perfectly sincere, I'll grant you that the people on this page are much wiser than the bulk of the herd. Indeed, if you reached perfection, you'd have nothing left to do but go downhill. Which is why perfect people like me are also perfectly miserable. ;-)