Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Only Constance is Changed, a short story

The Only Constance is Changed
by Eolake Stobblehouse

"Happy birthday, Constance, Darling. So this is... how old are you now?"

"Two hundred and eleven years."

"And you have looked like... this, for how long?"

"The snake? Oh, six years. Almost. I quite like it."

"Yes. Mm-hm. Well, certainly different. Very... decorative, in a Dadaist sort of way."

"Yes, Daddy, quite so." [smile]

"Have you spoken to your mother recently?"

"No. She is still off the Neptune way."

"Oh yes, quite right."

"She is expecting it to last for the rest of the century, according to her log."

"Oh. Yes. Sixty years. Well. To travel is to live, as the ancients said. I suppose."

[Curling around the couch] "How is your lover? The redhead?"

[Sigh] "She is... a bitch."

"Daddy! How unlike you. Did you have a falling out?"

[Slight smile] "Oh. Oh. Oh. No, what I mean is... literally. Of the canine variety. I guess she got bored... or something."

[short laugh] "Ah!"

[Embarrassed laugh]



[Together] "Would you like to..."

"Sorry, Daddy, you first."

"Well, how about coming to visit me. Physically, here on Luna? We could..."

"Oh, Dad, that is very sweet, but really... what is happening on Luna? It is not even fully terraformed yet."

"Is that what is important to you? What is 'happening'? What is 'the rage' at the moment? What your friends think, perhaps?"

"Daddy, you should know better. I am doing important work for U of Mars, and several of my satellite parts are deep in physical environs which make telepresence on an interplanetary scale unworkable. It just isn't practical."

"Uh. Satellite parts. Yes, okay. [Sigh] "Yes, baby, I am not sure about any of all this. Sometimes I feel like I just don't know you anymore."

The end


Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Huh. Cool.
I feared nobody would get it.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

OK, I've never been called that before. I like it. :)