Monday, June 07, 2010


I'm a bit irritated about all this cross-accounting. For example, YouTube cancelled my account for some reason they won't tell, so I had to log in with something else. But when I do, this means I also now logged out of all other Google related sites, like Gmails and Blogger, and I can't post here, and if I make comments, people won't know who I am. So I have to log out and in again with my other account.

I can "solve" it by using different browsers, but it shouldn't be necessary. Why the heck should I be logged out of blogger just because I log out of YouTube?

Update: Jan said:
I absolutely love Google's search engine, but decided to limit my dependency on them for other products. lost her blog and e-mail when Google suddenly locked her account. It made her lose all means of contact with her users! She has since wised up, bought a domain that she controls herself and started a new site, but many people are probably still wondering why her old blog isn't being updated.

Useful link: 



Jan said...

I absolutely love Google's search engine, but decided to limit my dependency on them for other products. lost her blog and e-mail when Google suddenly locked her account. It made her lose all means of contact with her users! She has since wised up, bought a domain that she controls herself and started a new site, but many people are probably still wondering why her old blog isn't being updated.

Useful link:

Timo Lehtinen said...

I absolutely love Google's search engine, but decided to limit my dependency on them for other products.

I agree 100% and have opted for the same strategy myself.

Although, I have concluded that using Google Reader is rather harmless. All you can lose is your subscriptions. And you could even make a safe copy of those if you wanted.

Gmail I wouldn't touch with a ten-feet pole.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

I've been using Gmail, because every email address I've used eventually drowns in spam, and this seems not to be the case with web-based email for technical reasons somehow.