The question was raised in comments to the last post if it is a bad thing to take your self worth from the outside. From admiration by others in other words.
Well, on the one hand, if you really don't take it seriously, a bit of pleasure is a bit of pleasure. On the other hand, if you take it seriously you're in trouble. You will spend your time angling for praise and admiration.
If your self worth comes from within, you'll never run out of it.
And it's the only real thing anyway.
Update: Ooh, I just had a realization: it is impossible to only let yourself be affected by praise, and not by criticism. They are two sides of the same coin (named Other People's Opinions). You can't take just one side, you take the whole coin or nothing. I suspect "nothing" is the wiser choice here. I was disappointed when John Travolta, such a hugely talented actor, told in an interview how much stock he put into getting an Oscar. He's had two nominations only so far, and there were seventeen years between them. And he said he'd been struck by a deeply depressing thought: what if there were seventeen years until the next nomination too? *
Come on, John, be a man! Tell Oscar to go frig himself. You live for yourself and your art!
Much better is David Bowie's attitude. An interviewer asked him what he'd think if he was given a knighthood like Elton John was. He said that he'd tell the queen to give it to somebody who cared. Good man.
* The fact that John did not see how this looks, tells us how all of Hollywood is totally in the thrall of the Oscars and public praise. Johnny Depp is one of the exceptions, along with Sean Penn and a few others.
Also, I think it now has been over a decade since that interview (I think it was after Pulp Fiction). How's it going, John? How about just making good movies?