I can't believe somebody makes art like this in edible materials! I would want it to last.
A couple weeks ago I listened to the audio version of the latest Discworld novel "Thud". I was not expecting much because it sounded like it would be a bit depressing like the last Commander Vimes book Night Watch. But I actually liked it a lot. Just for one thing it had what Pratchett rarely uses in his books: sexy women. Hot and fearsome police werewolf Sergeant Angua from the Watch go undercover with what would normally be a natural enemy: new policewoman Sally, who is a beautiful vampire. (Not to worry, she has sworn off human blood.) At some point they end up underground, naked and covered in mud, and almost going at each other's throats. Like Sally says then: all we need now is a paying audience...
"At 17, if you don't think The Lord of the Rings is the greatest contribution to literature, there's something wrong with your head (...) If you still think that at 50, there's definitely something wrong with your head." -- Terry Pratchett
Jeepers! What a shame indeed, that such "eye candy" has to come with an expiry date!
I must say, A'Tuin does look very nice there. For a giant turtle...
Say... is that a pizza at the top? ;-)
You may not HAVE to die. You could also go to the Discworld.
Of course, you may also meet Death in Ankh-Morpork's restaurants, if He's on vacation...
(To think all I really know about that fine place is the first PlayStation videogame! Life has been a beehatch. Hmm... but maybe Death is a decent fella?)
I think you'd enjoy the books.
I almost wish I'd read them in sequence.
Though it's not required, and it's not easy to *find* the sequence. (iTunes helps, amazingly. The audio books are named with the sequential number included.)
Eye Candy? I do not understand that term. What does this mean rascal? Thank you.
Thanks for sparing me the typing, Lucid.
The idea, of course, was that this beautiful artwork is a cake, so it can litterally be called "candy". ;-)
I wonder... didn't Willy Wonka make ACTUAL Eye Candy, per chance? "The Jawbreaker that inspects your teeth"?
Um... Lisa? If you look more closely, actually it's "Pascal".
"Rascal" comes from the french "racaille", meaning low-life, scumbag, bandit, no-goodnik. Even my legendary modesty isn't THAT humble!
[For your info, I hold the Guinness Record for modesty, but I insisted that they remove it from the book.] ;o)
Pascal also comes from the French, but it means "related to Easter", as in "l'agneau pascal", the Easter lamb, metaphor for the sacrifice of Jesus. Quite the opposite of "rascal", no?
If Lisa stands for Elizabeth, then it comes from the ancient hebrew, and means "dedicated to God".
(Hey, are we related?) ;-)
I'm not too sure about the name Lucid, though. Something to do with Optics or Philosophy...
And don't bother even asking me about "Eolake", I haven't got a clue. Unless it uses the greek root "eos", dawn. Then he'd be the "lake of dawn", and a distant cousin of Lucid Twilight.
Boy, is it a small world!
A dictionnary, of COURSE! (Smacks forehead.)
Now, why didn't I think of that?
My lucidity must've been on vacation.
(Eolake is pronounced in straight English. Accent on the E. Short O. 'Lake' like the English word 'lake'.)
Eo means the earliest or the original of something.
Lakin or Laik comes from old English "to play" or "move around", and further back from old Norse, "toy" or "baby".
Stob means, in old Scottish dialect:
(1) a stick, broken off twig,
(2) a stump, the remainder or remnant of a rainbow
Stob-thatch - roofing consisiting of broom or brushwood laid across the rafters.
... So if we want to get poetic about it, Eolake Stobblehouse would mean "The original child, son of the rainbow, living with the spirit of play in a thatch-roofed home."
Either this, or the First Playboy.
That would explain your taste for nekkid babes. ;-)
(Ooh, I can be such a little rascal!)
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