Here's an example of how fame is not your friend:
"Ninety percent of everything is crap." -- Theodore SturgeonThis is the way it's commonly quoted. And if you look at that as it is, it's very negative, isn't it? It basically says the world is crap. Which does not really teach us anything.
But the story is that Sturgeon, a science fiction writer, was commenting on some people who were judging SF as being crap. So he said words to the effect of: "Sure, 90% of SF is crap, but then 90% of anything is crap."
(He probably even said "anything" rather than "everything". Different meaning.)
You see? He was not judging "everything" as being 90% crap, he was talking about
not judging, in this case not judging SF by all the books which are not good, because no matter what field or medium you look at, the good stuff is in the top 10%.
So fame is not your friend. Often when something is reduced to what can survive in popular consciousness, a sound byte, all subtlety and much of the wisdom is thrown out with the bath water.