Martin Scorsese's The Aviator is a fascinating film about a fascinating man. Beautifully filmed and acted, and feels much shorter than its 2.5 hours.
Cate Blanchett especially is amazing as Kate Hepburn. I have much renewed respect for her. And, er, desire. She was smoking hot.
Same could be said for DiCaprio. (Uh, minus the desire part.) "The Beach"* did nothing to enamore him to me, but he really is good.
The visuals is a story onto themselves, just gorgeous.
As is Howard Hughes of course. Just like van Gogh, who in the popular mind is "the painter who cut off his ear", Hughes is mistreated by the small attention span of the popular mind. He was not just fabulously rich and extremely neurotic. He accomplished a fantastic amount of stuff, and the film industry as well as aviation was changed forever because of him.
* (To be fair I did not see it. I really don't want to. If I ever go to hell I am sure The Beach and Titanic are on the screens there 24/7.)