Reseach Note #1
[I have decided to occasionally put up "research notes" on this blog. It is doubtful if they really belong here, since they are not really intended for a big audience. But I put them up 1: so there is an "engraving" in the universe of them for the future. 2: so others have a chance of finding them, for example if they have similar findings. Anyway, this is far out metaphysical stuff, so take it or leave it, but don't take it too seriously. Love, Eolake]I've found a fierce energy blowing like the wind over the landscape.
I noticed that I didn't want to go out, taking a walk to a favorite restaurant. Especially crossing a high point in the landscape.
(Note: for handling "subtle energy", a lot of info is on It is all just energy, and it needs to flow, not be blocked.)I researched (looked at) this energy. (In the beginning this gave me a headache.) It seems that in this area (Lancashire, UK), it always come from the North-West. Unusually for subtle energy, it does not go through matter like it isn't there, but is partially hindered by physical objects. So it is stronger in high points in the landscape and open spaces.
It seems to be there all over the planet. And it goes to the core and beyond the orbit of the moon, but it is strongest just over the surface. I've no clue what generates it, probably it is geological somehow. It does not seem to have or relate to any conciousness.
At least for me it seemed a bit fierce at first. But that is always just a consideration which can be changed, and I've got a good handle on it now. And the good news is that like any such thing, when handled well it is just another source of free energy if one wants.
Post Scriptum: taken out of context it might appear as if I consider this energy to be very important. But it probably isn't, no more than any number of natural phenomena one might find in the world. It just aroused my curiosity because it was so distinct and I had not heard of such a thing before.
Since the late eighties I, and many others, have seen and worked with the
Subtle Energies that generate things, worked with them much more directly than previously in human history. These things
as a whole are monumentally important. Emotrance has given me a tool to better understand them, and accelerated my progress in research and in life tremendously.
Humankind is now starting to see the inner workings if the universe where before we mostly just saw the mere surface. I think by the end of this century this world will be so much different that previous change will seem like pocket change. (Ha ha.)