Friday, March 12, 2010

Glee - Don't Stand So Close To Me

Just trying outa TV show called Glee. It's hard to stand because it's all about teenage crushes and it's a durn musical too (well, at least the characters are actually singing in the story too when they sing). But it has humor. It's surprisingly funny actually.
See this, the teacher is trying to tell with a song that this young student is not for him. The redhead is a fellow teacher who is as much in loooove with him as the student is. Their faces are hilarious.

By the way, the reversed picture is a neat trick to avoid being automatically deleted by youboobs.


Hannah said...

I really like Glee!

Tommy said...

EO - "By the way, the reversed picture is a neat trick to avoid being automatically deleted by youboobs."

Am I missing something here? The only thing that I think I saw reversed was the writing on the drum set.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Well, I only noticed because I'd just seen the scene on TV.

Tommy said...

EO - "Well, I only noticed because"

OK, now you're funnin' with me. You only noticed WHAT?

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

... That it was reversed.

Tommy said...

WOW, I really had to look. But, now I see that the entire video is reversed. You got one heck of an eye there EO. Oh, I just read your prior post that you had just seen it on TV, now it makes sence...