Friday, March 12, 2010

Danish stamp

The next Danish stamp will be based on one of the most beloved LP covers ever, the one from Gasolin's third album.
It was photographed from a cafe wall in Copenhagen. They could not find out who had painted it, so they just went ahead and used it...
When the artist, Tage Hansen, made himself known, he was not pee'd off. Perhaps he was even a bit flattered. In any case, he was satisfied with a few copies of the album for the use. Too cheap, methinks.
At least the PO will be paying his survivors for the stamp use.

Sadly I was not able to find a bigger scan of the cover. You can hardly see the little joke: she has her arms full, and has dropped her panties.


Alex said...

You seem to have a Cable Car theme going this week.

You know I thought it was Friday today, but EO is posting, so it can't be.

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Some Fridays have been slow, some I have posted a lot.

Alex said...

I just assumed Friday was you night for hitting the town (though there is not much town to hit), and painting it red (the town, and not the proverbial It).

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

Hah! I've "been to town" maybe... call it five times total, in my life! At most.