Friday, April 16, 2010

How does it do it?

Out of courtesy to those of my readers more interested in "other" things, I'll try to refrain from using too often the name of, um, "A Leading Device In The Tablet Computing Space".

So. Here's an article about how can ALDITCS be so fast and keep cool? and other stuff.
"After the [ALDITCS] was announced, I got two types of emails from readers. The first group saying they were disappointed, because they had been hoping I was right that The Tablet would be Apple’s reconception of personal computing.
The second group wrote to tell me how excited they were because I was right that The Tablet would be Apple’s reconception of personal computing."

It is pronounced "alditecs". If we can get the press onto it, it'll be just like when that short black singer was called TAFKAP.

1 comment:

Ganesha Games said...

I'm personally trying to get the word "padmag" used to describe a magazine specifically designed for the i..hmm, alditcs. I'll be using this word in my Italian-language magazine because it sounds cool in Italian (probably it doesn't in English).