[Thanks to Pascal]
Too funny. I'm speechless.
One thing I find highly interesting: almost all the crime that police will use violence to "stop", including killing the perpetrators, is financial crime. In other words, they, and by extension all of us, are perfectly willing, nay eager, to kill somebody over money. Including a few innocent bystanders if necessary. Nobody ever considers just letting them go and then try to find the money later. Money must be really valuable.
And of course, like Pascal points out: "I seem to remember gangsters were quite prompt in providing this item for themselves."
Indeed. "Provided only to one side of the law", my ass. Any violence is and will be an excalation of violence, by definition. The first one to stop escalating, wins.
Careful, Eolake! Folks will think you're down right anti-social if you keep arguing against people killing for money. :)
Seems like a fine instrument.
TTL, you mean the kind that is carried around in a violin case? :-)
A typical image for Al Capone's men during the Prohibition, that...
Yes, indeed. That is how gentlemen carry their machine guns from place to place. Discreetly and safely.
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